“Shin splints” (known as Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome) is inflammation of the muscles, tendons and bone tissues around your tibia (shin) bone which is usually caused by overuse or repetitive stress.
Symptoms usually occur on the inside of the shins that ache with excessive amounts of force from activity with slight swelling in your lower leg. This pain may go away with rest, however with continuous stress shin pain may progress to stress reaction of the bone or a stress fracture.
Causes of Shin Pain:
Increased levels of physical activity (duration, frequency or intensity)
Biomechanical imbalances and uneven pressure distribution along the foot
Wearing inappropriate running footwear or worn out sneakers with poor support
Muscle weakness of the lower limb
Running on uneven/slanted or hard surfaces
Improper training technique with no warm up or cool down
Treatment at home to alleviate symptoms:
RICE - (Rest, Ice, Compress and Elevate)
Rolling/massaging the shins and calf on a foam roller
Topical Voltaren or NSAID’s (Non-Steroid Anti-inflammatory drugs)
Avoid running in worn out, unsupportive running shoes
Stretching and strengthening
Help from a Podiatrist at Complete Podiatry include:
Orthotic Intervention - addressing the underlying biomechanical cause and allowing even distribution of pressure along the foot
Load management - including training advise and running analysis
Footwear recommendations
Exercise prescription
Further referral for imaging, other allied health or specialists
Contact us on 03 366 2550 or click here to book yourself an appointment today!