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Our doors are closed but we're still here

Complete Podiatry

Our closure is in response to the updated Covid-19 alert level and associated government guidelines. Whether we fall into the "essential services" category or not remains a grey area, at this stage the safety of our staff and clients supersedes the need to be open for face-to-face consultations. We hope to reopen April 28th. Although our clinics are physically closed our podiatrists are still available for consultations via telehealth; this means you can have a consult through video on "zoom" or telephone. These appointments are a Koha (donation) based service available for the duration of the lock down - just pay what you think it was worth.

Telehealth appointments are now setup online - to schedule a time either call 03)3662550 or click "book now" and chose the "telehealth" site (be sure to follow ALL of the onscreen instructions). Rebecca is available on Mondays, Madi on Tuesdays, this may change pending demand. Once you have made an appointment we will send you instructions regarding the consultation format and bank details.

We will update you here, via social media and through email as necessary. If you don't already subscribe to our database signup through our contact form for regular updates. If you need to contact us during this time our receptionist team can be reached on (03)3662550 or via email

You can also contact Rebecca ( or Madi ( directly. Be kind to each other, stay safe and wash your hands. We look forward to seeing you on the other side of this. The Complete Podiatry team xx



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03 366 2556

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