Ankle pain refers to any type of pain around the ankle or at the back of the leg where the Achilles tendon runs into the heel bone.
Symptoms may include a sharp pain with weight-bearing and a dull lingering ache after activity. In severe cases of trauma such as a sprain, swelling and bruising may be present.
The pain may be worse in the morning or evening and symptoms can either be aggravated or warmed up with activity.
Causes of Ankle pain:
Trauma such as ankle sprains
Tearing or rupturing of the Achilles tendon
Prolonged standing and weight-bearing
Increased levels of physical activity
·Biomechanical imbalances and uneven pressure distribution along the foot
Previous tendon or ligament damage that has not healed properly
Wearing inappropriate footwear with poor support
Tight calf muscles
Treatment at home to alleviate symptoms:
RICE- (Rest, Ice, Compress and Elevate)
Topical Voltaren or NSAID’s (Non-Steroid Anti-inflammatory drugs)
Avoiding bare feet, jandals and inappropriate footwear
Stretching and strengthening
Help from a Podiatrist at Complete Podiatry include:
Strapping of the ankle – supporting the ankle and reducing strain and stress after a sprain
Off-loading - with heel raises or orthotics to allow certain soft tissue structures to heal under minimized stress
Orthotic intervention- addressing the underlying biomechanical cause and allowing even distribution of pressure along the foot
Footwear recommendations- for a supportive and cushioned footwear that is appropriate for your foot type.
Stretching and strengthening of muscles- to efficiently stretch or strengthen up weak soft tissue structures around the ankle and lower limb.
Imaging- Refer for imaging such as an x-ray, ultrasound.
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