Turns out allied health is tricky from a “what we can and can’t do” stand point during this pandemic. Before the lock down there were no official guidelines for podiatry at alert level 3 SO we created our own standards. This protocol is what we initially hoped to action however late Friday night we were updated by the Podiatry Board as to what level 3 for us looks like, and this is what we will adhere to.
WE CAN SEE YOU if you meet the criteria for essential or urgent; IT DOES NOT INCLUDE a general orthotic adjustments or routine nail and skin care. The official breakdown of who may qualify to see us face to face is pictured below.
If your booked in during the next few weeks we will contact you directly regarding your options (if we haven’t already, and in some instances even if we have already).
For more info give us a call on 03)3662550. We thank you for your patience and understanding during this time🖤
